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Tuesday, September 05, 2006 |
You don't tell me what to do! You're a taco!

Tonight I drew the line. I've been working out lately. "Feelin it", if you will. So I went to Taco Bell because I was hungry. (That's what people who workout hardcore do, eat at places like Taco Bell and Burger King) I ordered a combo burrito, no sauce no onions, and two tacos. When I got home I decided to eat my taco first. So I unwrapped that s.o.b. and turned my head in that way you do, in order to eat a taco, and took my first bite. Then it happened. I realized that for my whole life since I was about 3 years old and could eat a taco, that I had been turning my head in order to eat a taco. 25 years of my life. Wasted. On turning my head at an awkward angle, just to get the taco in my mouth. Well screw you taco. No more. Nobody tells me what to do. Now I turn you sideways, in order to fit into my mouth. I don't even care if all of your insides fall out all over the place. You don't own me anymore. I'll just eat all that stuff with a fork. So from now on, I urge you, fellow readers of my website, to start a revolution. No more turning your head in order to eat taco's. It's time to start putting taco's in their place. And that place my friends, is your stomach.
posted by
8:07 PM
I LOVE Taco Bell. I haven't eaten it in forever.....and I don't even work out. Looks like the Taco won Ricky.
Ricky, my friend, I read you blog daily, sometimes several times a day. I just don't often have anything to say.
I heart you....I laughed so hard when i read this that the rootbeer I had for breakfast came out of my nose...oh and by the way because of your inspiration i will no longer be tipping my head back for that last swallow of any beverage....by the power of grey skull...i am he-man!!<3
So, THIS is what happens to people who eat junk food and work out... They revolt against poor, innocent tacos.
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