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Monday, January 15, 2007 |
We just got back from Blairsden/Reno...
Wow. What a trip. And I don't mean "trip" as in the drive and stay in Blairsden. I mean it as "trippy". The 2 and a half days we stayed in Blairsden was quite possibly the most fun I've had in a long time. Things that happened on the trip:
I got really close with "Randolph" the inflatable boyfriend that Dana brought. (No, it's not a "blow-up" doll. Well, kind of it is, but not like that. It's not a "sexual" doll")
I lost $50 in Reno at Circus Circus. But Nicki won $89. They had to shut down the casino after Nicki cashed out with $89. I'm not even sure if they're back open yet after taking such a loss.
I golfed a 0 for 9 holes on Wii Golf. I golf MUCH better when my pants are sagging.
I used the water spray feature of my windshield wipers when it was 6 degrees outside and as soon as the water hit my windshield, it immediately froze.
I successfully got the golf ball to stay on the tee inside the water globe in under 10 seconds.
I took this picture when it was about 12 degrees outside:

P.S. I fixed the heater inside our house. After 2 months of wondering why it didn't work anymore at all ever, last night I got pissed because our house was 44 degrees when we got home, and I basically dismantled it to find out that there are TWO air filters. One of which I cleaned about 2 months ago to no avail. But the other one I found hadn't been cleaned since the heater was installed in '01. I vacuumed out about 2 pounds worth of soot and crap, and now the house heats up faster than a Catholic priest in a boy scout meeting. Oh snap!
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11:59 AM
I think that Josh is pointing to your third nipple!!!
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I think that Josh is pointing to your third nipple!!!