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Sunday, August 14, 2005
The leadership summit...

I always want to spell summit with two "t's". Anyway, I have been at the annual Willow Creek leadership summit the last 3 days. I went two years ago and wasn't able to make it last year so I was excited to back and get re focused as a leader. I was able to take quite a few little nuggets from the event, and I thought I'd share them with you all right now so I can A) go over my notes again and B) hopefully something you read will inspire you. So here goes...

From Bill Hybels first talk (Lead pastor of Willow Creek church):

The functions of leadership include:
1. Casting vision onto others.
2. Inspiring and motivating those same people.
3. Develop emerging leaders

He also said that when you find your holy discontent (whether it be world hunger, misguided-guided youth, etc etc) increase your exposure to it and you will lead on a whole 'nother level.

From Rick Warrens talk (My favorite of the summit. He wrote "40 Days of Purpose):

"God is looking for people to use. And if you let him use you, he'll wear you out." (A good thing)

"Learn to see the world as God sees it, then learn to see yourself as God sees you. (Unconditional love)

"Lay down(allow God to use) whatever it is that you do well, and it will become better than you could ever imagine."

From Eleanor Josaitis (a white lady that founded a program to end racism back in the 60's):

"God honoring leaders always pay a price." And I think this applies to any leader in any position.

From Ken Blanchard and John Maxwell (Authors and successful businessmen):

"Instead of putting others in their place, put yourself in their place."

As a leader:
1. Set Goals
2. Try and catch your employees/volunteers, etc. doing something right.
3. If they do something wrong, only reprimand for 1 minute, and end on a positive note.

"Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less."

"As leaders, we are always out of our comfort zone, but never our gift zone."

"You'll be safe as long as you really know who you're following.."

"People will not go along with you if they can't get along with you."

Add value to people by:
1. Value them
2. Know and relate to what they value.
3. Make yourself more valuable.

Try to spend 30 seconds per person a day saying something affirming to them that is authentic. Be specific.

From Kenneth Ulmer(Head pastor at a church in Los Angeles with 13,000 attendees):

"Sometimes God puts us on a stage in a theater where no one wants to buy a ticket."

"Your assignment is to glorify God. You are where you are on purpose."

"When God prepares you as a leader, he does not do it in the shadows he does it in the open."

"God calls you to use you, so don't do it without him."

From Bill Hybels final talk and the final talk of the summit:

Out of the 81 facets of leadership found in various books and things, Bill was asked to cut the list to the four most crucial. Here they are:

1. Keep the vision clear. (Proverbs 29:18)
People need direction.
Keep a compelling vision.
People start to soar after a clear vision talk.

2. Get the people engaged. (Neimiah 4:6)
Create ownership for the people. Remind them that it's their thing, not yours. It could be their thing (project, job, etc) to hate, wish they weren't involved with, or it could be their thing to improve, take ownership of and be proud of.

2a. People will not get on board unless:
They sense their leader is totally committed to the program.
The dream is significant and a big idea. No one likes a small idea or something they feel isn't significant.
You ask them to be a part of the team, hardly no one will just volunteer.
The idea is crystal clear to them, and don't micro manage them. Let your people run with their tasks.
You allow for feedback and evaluation.
They feel that what they are doing really matters.

3. Make your gatherings memorable: (Acts 2:43)
Make your meetings and gatherings have a sense of "awe". Make your time together something they won't forget.

4. Pace yourself for the long haul: (1 Corinthians 9:25)
Leading isn't a quick job or a short time in your life. Be prepared to go the distance.
It's okay to take a time out, as long as you get back in the game. Some people get burned out at times, which is okay. Allow for time outs.

And that's it. I'm sure other people from my church took much better notes. But those were the things that stuck out to me.
posted by Ricky @ 11:01 AM  
  • At 8/14/2005 09:11:00 PM, Blogger Marla Bean said…

    Wow! You were there? I didn't even see you! Just some guy who looked like you, but with awful hair.

    Please don't assasinate the kitten! I'll post. I'll post!

  • At 8/14/2005 09:58:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said…

    You must be refreshed after 3 days of those speakers. I particularly love Rick Warren. He's like the typical next door neighbour with a coffee in his hand, standing at the fence, but incredible wisdom and insight surrounds him. He's pretty darn cool.

  • At 8/14/2005 11:18:00 PM, Blogger Ricky said…

    marla: if you ever talk about my hair like that again, i really WILL kill the cat. you know my hair is my spiritual gift.

    darlene: the only thing about the summit is that it's simulcast. so i actually didn't get to physically see rick warren. i wish i could have though because he really does seem like the most genuine guy ever.

    artichokehead: your official job now is to spellcheck my entire website. WRITE IT! btw, all spelling errors are fixed in this post. thnaks!

  • At 8/15/2005 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Marla Bean said…

    That's the best spiritual gift to have. Honestly. I think it's even better than shepherding. You can go far with that. I think that John Stamos might have the same gifting. And we know how much he's done since Full House. Hee hee.

  • At 8/15/2005 03:08:00 PM, Blogger The Last Hour Blog said…

    do you have anything written down by Mosa Sono? I want to read or hear what he did after a friend told me about it.

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