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Tuesday, May 30, 2006 |
More of Kayla! And the A's SUCK!
posted by
10:37 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006 |
I'm confused.
I can't tell which one is Clay Aiken and which one is KD Lang.

posted by
12:29 AM
Friday, May 26, 2006 |
Dear Oakland A's,
On behalf of my daughter Kayla, I would like to apologize. Since her birth one week ago today,we have watched every game together, and you have not won one single game. You've lost 6 in a row. It was kind of a joke on Tuesday when it was just a 3 game skid, but now it is not funny one bit. Last night things were looking good. You were up 7-0 in the 6th inning. But then it happened. Just like you are not supposed to talk to a pitcher in the middle of a no hitter, I made a grave mistake. I went over and held Kayla. I thought 7-0 was a substantial enough lead for me to do so. I figured a few runs wouldn't even hurt. After the grand slam it was 7-4 and I gave her back to her mom because I figured the Kayla curse would wear off. But no. You ended up losing 8-7. Then again tonight things were looking up. I got home from work and it was 1-0. I watched for a while and it was 2-0. Then Nicki woke up and brought Kayla out to see her daddy. Guess what happened. 2 run inning for the Rangers and the game was tied at 2. You ended up losing 3-2. I had done it again. I'm really sorry too. You had won 5 in a row going into Friday's game before the birth of my daughter.
I don't know what to do. Sell her? Trade her? Demote her back to her the womb? I'm mulling my options. |
posted by
8:37 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006 |
Whoa. Kayla and I. Side by side. Whoa.

posted by
2:36 PM
More pictures of Kayla!!! Hit "play flix" to get it started!!
posted by
12:00 PM
Kayla is so popular she crashed my website!!! I had to upgrade my hosting package to allow more banwidth. Sorry about the downtime. |
posted by
11:06 AM
Monday, May 22, 2006 |
Nothing's better than this.

posted by
9:38 PM
I am officially a dad!

Besides the fact that I'm so tired I'm seeing 19 keyboards in front of me right now, nothing could be better! My wife and my daughter are both doing great, and we're back home resting. Well, I wouldn't really call it resting, as much as I'd call it "chaos". We went in originally Wednesday night, and they sent us home at about 2:30 am after about 4 hours from when we arrived. They said it was "false labor". So we went back Thursday night at 7pm and got induced. Now my wife, being the little athletic trooper she is wanted to "do it natural". So she didn't take any drugs at all. At around 4am she started having major contractions. For the next 9 hours my wife had those contractions, and I eventually got to the point where I just couldn't stand watching her be in so much pain. Not only that, but after 9 hours of those major contractions, my wife was still only dialated one centimeter. It was at that point that Nicki decided to get the epidural. The epidural kicked in right away and although Nicki was still having major contractions, she wasn't in excrutiating pain anymore. Nicki fell asleep about 10 minutes after the epidural and we all prayed that God would work a miracle and dialate her so she wouldn't have a C-section or harm the baby. And one hour after the epidural Nicki was dialated to 7 centimeters!!!! One hour after that, she was FINALLY at 10 centimeters and ready to bring our daughter into the world. At 3:37 p.m. Friday afternoon, Kayla Nicole Borba was brought into the world. She's my little perfect angel. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and thoughts. They paid off. She is perfect.
posted by
6:32 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 |
My Job History Since the Age of 16:
I can't be sure this is the entire list. If you can think of another job I forgot, let me know.
Century Theatres Macy*s Computer City T-Zone Olive Garden KFAX Radio Sentex Loyalty Communications ACD Telecom Stuft Pizza Mission Pizza VisionGates Crossroads Church Gamer Nation Lucasarts Starz Adolescent Center Tilt Arcade Sentex Systems Data Scale Pump It Up
posted by
3:49 PM
Play baseball Wednesday night!!
I'm trying to have one last night of freedom before we induce labor on Thursday night, so we are going to play baseball at the Pleasanton sports park on Wednesday night around 5:30-6. Call my cell 510-938-7878 if you want to play.
Be American, play baseball! |
posted by
8:14 AM
Monday, May 15, 2006 |
We're inducing Thursday at 8PM.
Nicki went to the dr. today and he said shes not even dialating yet and that her body is "not cooperating" with the baby. So, we are going to have Kayla induced Thursday night at 8pm. I've heard inducing is as common as $3 gas these days, so we're not worried. We just wanted you all to know so you could pray for us specifically thursday night and into friday morning. It's going to be a long weekend!!! |
posted by
7:19 PM

Why my cam and chat are off:
On hot days my computer overheats. It has an automatic shutoff if it gets to a certain temperature inside of it. And it automatically shutoff 4 times yesterday. I bought a little fan for it a few weeks ago and it's been working fine, but apparently I need to go back to putting my huge box fan next to my computer. Unless Matt wants to make me a water cooling system for my pc.
My camera and my chat both run off of my computer, so if my computer is off, so is my camera and chat. |
posted by
9:24 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006 |
It's so warm in here right now that it totally makes breathing feel like I've been a smoker for 20 years. knowwhatimsayin? |
posted by
8:13 PM
Pregnancy Photo's!!
Nicki's sister's boyfriend is a professional photographer, and they came by yesterday to hangout and take some pics of us. Here they are! Hit play flix to watch!!
posted by
9:15 AM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 |
Once again, proving that psychics are phony. |
posted by
8:20 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 |
To all of my male friends that live within 25 miles....
You're all ridiculous. I live less than 100 yards from the Mission San Jose little league fields, and none of you ever want to go out there and take some batting practice or play baseball. This is America. You're being un-American by not playing the national past time. I'm ashamed of all of you. Ashamed I say.
posted by
8:43 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006 |
Deal or No Deal is making me sick right now. |
posted by
8:19 PM
From the "you're probably not going to believe me anyway" file....
It's no secret I have a bit of a "man crush" on Tom Cruise. Let me explain before you send me your brokeback jokes. He's a great actor, makes great movies, and is one handsome dude. So my "man crush" basically means I wouldn't mind being like Tom Cruise. Minus the scientology b.s. and jumping on Oprah's couch.
So a couple of years ago when I first heard they were making another installment of Mission Impossible, I thought to myself "How awesome would it be if I could get a role in that movie and play Tom Cruise's younger brother". Well, I obviously haven't gotten to the point yet to where I'm being offered supporting roles in Tom Cruise flicks, but........
There was a role of Tom Cruise's younger brother in Mission Impossible 3. AND the characters name was "Rick".
Coincidence? Affirmation? A sign from God? All of the above.
posted by
2:26 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006 |
I type "Borba Fett" into google...
And got this hit. (Do a search for "borba")Apparently someone wrote a review of Revenge of the Sith and they were talking about Boba Fett and they must've accidentally type "borba" instead of "boba". I wonder if it's a frequent visitor of my site..... |
posted by
2:45 PM
 Dear EA Games,
Maybe if you guys started making quality video games and not just sending out a new version every year with a couple of new (and not necessarily good) improvments (Madden, I'm talking to you) this sort of thing wouldn't happen! HA HA. Just because you're the biggest video game company on the planet, doesn't give you the right to give us crap and tell us it's a 5-star meal. And don't even think about blaming piracy. Because if the game is good enough, people will buy it. |
posted by
10:13 AM
Thursday, May 04, 2006 |
Another Septmber, another version of the trilogy to buy...

(From the Hollywood Reporter) The original theatrical versions of the first three "Star Wars" films are finally coming to DVD on September 12, two years after diehard fans blasted George Lucas for releasing only the digitally modified 2004 versions of the celebrated trilogy in a boxed collection.This time, "Star Wars," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" will be available individually and appear on DVD exactly as they did in their respective theatrical runs in 1977, 1980 and 1983. Each release, distributed by 20th Century Fox, will be a two-disc set that also includes the digitally tweaked 2004 edition. The DVDs will be available only through December 31. |
posted by
8:01 AM